Research Interests
My research interests span a broad spectrum of fields, including animal behavior, population dynamics, community ecology, taxonomy and systematics, biogeography and phylogeography, and environmental sciences, with a specific focus on marine and freshwater crustaceans and other benthic macro-invertebrates. For further details regarding my primary research interests, please refer to the following sections, which include selected publications authored by myself and my colleagues.
1. Ecology and Behavior of Marine Invertebrates
■ Behavioral ecology: Social behavior, including mating system, display, aggressive behavior, male-male competition, of decapods crustaceans.
Selected publications;
Asakura, A. (2009) Evolution of mating system in decapod crustaceans. In: Joel W. Martin, Keith A. Crandall, and Darryl L. Felder (eds.), Decapod Crustacean Phylogenetics, pp.121-182, Taylor & Francis, New York, U.S.A.
Imazu, A., and A. Asakura (2006) Descriptions of agonistic, aggressive and sexual behaviors of five species of hermit crabs from Japan (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae and Diogenidae) . Crustacean Research, Special Number, 6: 95-107.
Sonoda, K, A. Asakura, M. Minoura, R. W. Elwood and Y.-P. Gunji (2012) Hermit crabs perceive the extent of their virtual bodies. Biology Letters doi:10.1098/rsbl.2012.0085.
朝倉彰 (1998a) 十脚甲殻類の社会性(2)集団でみつかる共生性の種の個体間関係. 生物科学, 50: 37-43.
朝倉彰 (1998b) 十脚甲殻類の社会性(1)ペアでみつかる種のオスーメス関係. 生物科学, 49: 228-242.
朝倉彰 (1994) ヤドカリ類の闘争行動に関する近年の研究の発展. II. 貝殻闘争,儀式化の進化. 生物科学, 46: 102-112.
朝倉彰 (1993) ヤドカリ類の闘争行動に関する近年の研究の発展. I. 概説,攻撃行動. 生物科学, 45: 143-160.
朝倉彰 (1990) 十脚甲殻類の配偶様式とその進化―特に交尾前ガードをめぐる最近の研究の動向とその批判. 生物科学, 42: 192-200.
■ Population dynamics and life history: Resource utilization, larval settlements, molting growth, sexual difference in ecological features, intraspecific competition, life history etc. of hermit crabs on sand flat.
Selected publications;
Asakura, A. (1995) Sexual differences in life history and patterns of resource utilization by the hermit crab. Ecology, Ecological Society of America, 76: 2295-2313.
Asakura, A. (1992) Population ecology of the sand-dwelling hermit crab Diogenes nitidimanus Terao. 5. Ecological implication in the pattern of molting. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 12: 537-545.
Asakura, A. (1991) Population ecology of the sand-dwelling hermit crab Diogenes nitidimanus. IV. Larval settlement. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 78: 139-146.
Asakura, A. (1987) Population ecology of the sand dwelling hermit crab, Diogenes nitidimanus Terao. 3. Mating system. Bulletin of Marine Science, 41: 226-233.
Asakura, A. and T. Kikuchi (1984a) Population ecology of the sand dwelling hermit crab, Diogenes nitidimanus Terao. 2. Migration and life history. Publications from the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory , 7: 109-128.
Asakura, A. and T. Kikuchi (1984b) Population ecology of the sand dwelling hermit crab, Diogenes nitidimanus Terao. 1. Shell utilization. Publications from the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory, 7: 109-128.
■ Competition among co-occurring species: Difference in niches including habitat and resource utilizations and life history of hermit crab species in intertidal rocky shores.
Selected publications;
Imazu, M., and A. Asakura. (1994) Distribution, reproduction and shell utilization patterns in three species of intertidal hermit crabs on a rocky shore on the Pacific coast of Japan. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 172: 1-25.
■ Community ecology: Zonation patterns and community structures of macrobenthic animals on rocky intertidal shores.
Selected publications;
Asakura, A., Y. Kondo, and S. Nishihama. (1991) Distribution patterns of animals on the rocky shores of Chichijima in the Ogasawara Islands. Natural History Research, 3: 23-40.
Asakura, A., Y. Kondo, W. Sato-Okoshi, and M. Miyata (1990) Distribution patterns of rocky shore animals of Hahajima Island, the Ogasawara Islands. Natural History Research, 1: 65-79.
(See the full publication list)
2. Diversity, Systematics and Biogeography of Invertebrates
■ Taxonomy of hermit crabs (Decapoda: Anomura) in Indo-Pacific
Selected publications;
Asakura, A. (2010) A new species of hermit crab of the teevana group of Pylopaguropsis (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae) from the western Pacific, collected during the PANGLAO Expedition. Nauplius, 18: 35-43.
Asakura, A., and S. Godwin (2006) Diogenes patae, a new species of hermit crab (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura, Diogenidae) from American Samoa. Zoosystema, 28: 457-463.
Asakura, A., and S. Hirayama (2002) Dardanus jacquesi, a new species of hermit crab from Indo-West Pacific, with the redescription of a little known species, Dardanus dearmatus (Henderson, 1888) (Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae). Crustaceana, 75: 213-230.
Asakura, A., (2001) A revision of the hermit crabs of the genera Catapagurus A. Milne-Edwards and Hemipagurus Smith from the Indo-West Pacific (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae). Invertebrate Taxonomy, 15: 823-891.
■ Taxonomy of hermit crabs (Decapoda: Anomura) in Japan and its adjacent waters
Selected publications;
Asakura, A. (2006) Shallow water hermit crabs of the families Pylochelidae, Diogenidae and Paguridae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura) from the Sea of Japan, with a description of a new species of Diogenes. Bulletin of Toyama Science Museum, 29: 23-103.
Asakura, A. (2004) Pseudopaguristes shidarai, a new species of hermit crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Diogenidae) from Japan, the fourth species of the genus. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 117: 153-168.
Asakura, A., and P. A. McLaughlin (2003) A new species of Pseudopaguristes McLaughlin, 2002 (Crustacea: Decapoda : Diogenidae) from Japan. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 116: 453-463.
Asakura, A. (2000) A review of Japanese species of Pylopaguropsis Alcock, 1905 (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae). Crustacean Research, 29: 70-108.
Asakura, A. (1999) Icelopagurus tuberculosus, a distinct new hermit crabs species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguridae) from Japan. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 112: 381-395.
■ Taxonomy of sibling species in intertidal zones
Selected publications;
Asakura, A., and S. Watanabe. (2005) Hemigrapsus takanoi, new species, a sibling species of the common Japanese intertidal crab H. penicillatus (Decapoda: Brachyura: Grapsodea). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 25: 279-292.
■ Phylogeography of intertidal hermit crabs using mtDNA marker
Selected publications;
Asakura, A., K. Suzuki, M. Takeshita, M. Nakajima, R. D. Segawa, T. Aotsuka (2009). Population genetic structure of a common Japanese intertidal hermit crab Pagurus filholi (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae) throughout the range, inferred from cytochrome oxidase subunit I sequences. Proceedings of The Crustacean Society Summer Meeting in Tokyo, Japan
■ Taxonomy of deepwater decapods : based on specimens collected during the voyages by Hakuho-maru and Tansei-maru, Nagasaki-maru, and Toyoshio-maru
Selected publications;
朝倉彰 (2006) ヤドカリ類の分類学,最近の話題―オキヤドカリ科その3. 海洋と生物, 164: 309-316.
朝倉彰・渡部元・太田秀・橋本惇 (2006)ヤドカリ類の分類学,最近の話題―オキヤドカリ科その2. 海洋と生物, 163: 211-226.
朝倉彰・渡部元・太田秀・橋本惇 (2005)ヤドカリ類の分類学,最近の話題―ホンヤドカリ科その5. 海洋と生物, 159: 394-399.
朝倉彰・太田秀・渡部元 (2004) ヤドカリ類の分類学,最近の話題―オキヤドカリ科. 海洋と生物, 155: 583-588.
■ Taxonomy and biogeography of intertidal mollusks
Selected publications;
Asakura, A., and S. Suzuki (1987) Zoogeographical aspects of rocky intertidal molluscan fauna of the Pacific coasts of Japan. Marine Biology, 95: 75-81
Asakura, A., and S. Nishihama (1987a) Studies on the biology and ecology of the intertidal animals of Chichijima Island in the Ogasawara Islands--III. Description, the form and habitat of the trochid snail, Monodonta perplexa boninensis n. subsp. in comparison with those in Monodonta perplexa perplexa (Pilsbry). Venus, Japanese Journal of Malacology, 46: 194-201.
Asakura, A., and S. Nishihama (1987b) Studies on the biology and ecology of the intertidal animals of Chichijima Island in the Ogasawara Islands--II. Description, distribution, size structure in the population and allometric growth of the limpet, Notoacmea schrenckii boninensis n. subsp. Venus, Japanese Journal of Malacology, 46: 182-193.
■ Biogeography of invertebrates
Selected publications;
朝倉彰 (2011) (分担執筆)「世界の淡水産コエビ下目の地理分布」「代表的な属の生物地理と系統関係」「日本産淡水エビの生物地理」 In 小川のエビ・カニの自然史.川井唯史(編).生物研究社,東京.
朝倉彰 (2003) (分担執筆) 第7章 生物地理, pp. 303-367. In 日本ベントス学会編「海洋ベントスの生態学」 東海大学出版会,東京.
朝倉彰 (1990) 日本の潮間帯ヤドカリ類の生物地理. 海洋と生物, 12: 483-487.
朝倉彰 (1985) 海洋生物個体群の生物地理学的考察. 個体群生態学会報, 40: 67-83.
■ Fauna and flora of the Mariana Islands, Micronesica
Selected publications;
Asakura, A., and H. Tachikawa (2000) A new hermit crab of the genus Calcinus from the northern Mariana Islands with additional information on C. revi Poupin and McLaughlin (Crustacea: Decapoda: Diogenidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 20, Special Number, 2: 266-280.
Asakura, A., and T. Furuki (Editors) (1994). Biological Expedition to the Northern Mariana islands, Micronesia. Natural History Research, Special Issue, 1. 344 pp.
朝倉彰 (代表編著者および翻訳者)(1995) 北マリアナ諸島探検記. 364 pp. 文一総合出版,東京.
(See the full publication list)
3. Conservation Biology of Marine and Freshwater Invertebrates
■ Recent invasion of marine invertebrates into Tokyo Bay
Selected publications;
朝倉彰 (1992) 東京湾の帰化動物−都市生態系における侵入の過程と定着成功の要因に関する考察. 千葉県立中央博物館研究報告, 2: 1-14.
■ Species abundance and distribution of decapods crustaceans in freshwater and estuary environments
Selected publications;
朝倉彰 (2011) (分担執筆)「世界の淡水産コエビ下目の地理分布」「代表的な属の生物地理と系統関係」「日本産淡水エビの生物地理」 In 小川のエビ・カニの自然史.川井唯史(編).生物研究社,東京.
朝倉彰・森上需 (2007) 千葉県河口域のカニ類. 海洋と生物 171: 83-93.
朝倉彰 (2011) (分担執筆) 十脚甲殻類. In 千葉県の保護上重要な野生生物--レッドデータブック動物編2011改訂版, pp. 381-396. 千葉県環境財団
朝倉彰 (2002)(分担執筆) 陸と淡水の動物:甲殻類:エビ目. In 千葉県の自然誌 千葉県の動物 I pp. 277-286. 千葉県.
朝倉彰 (2000) (分担執筆) 十脚甲殻類. In 千葉県の保護上重要な野生生物--レッドデータブック動物編, pp. 334-342. 千葉県.
(See the full publication list)
下記に代表的な論文や著述が掲げてあります。また全ての論文のリストはこのサイトのPublications (Articles)のページに、単行本などの著作リストはこのサイトのBooks and Chaptersのページに掲げてあります。この中のもので、別刷りが欲しい方は<asakura.akira.6w (at)>までご連絡ください。
1. 生物多様性の挙動
Asakura, A. (1995) Sexual differences in life history and patterns of resource utilization by the hermit crab. Ecology, Ecological Society of America, 76: 2295-2313.
Asakura, A. (1992) Population ecology of the sand-dwelling hermit crab Diogenes nitidimanus Terao. 5. Ecological implication in the pattern of molting. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 12: 537-545.
Asakura, A. (1991) Population ecology of the sand-dwelling hermit crab Diogenes nitidimanus. IV. Larval settlement. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 78: 139-146.
Asakura, A. (1987) Population ecology of the sand dwelling hermit crab, Diogenes nitidimanus Terao. 3. Mating system. Bulletin of Marine Science, 41: 226-233.
Asakura, A. and T. Kikuchi (1984a) Population ecology of the sand dwelling hermit crab, Diogenes nitidimanus Terao. 2. Migration and life history. Publications from the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory , 7: 109-128.
Asakura, A. and T. Kikuchi (1984b) Population ecology of the sand dwelling hermit crab, Diogenes nitidimanus Terao. 1. Shell utilization. Publications from the Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory, 7: 109-128.
Imazu, M., and A. Asakura. (1994) Distribution, reproduction and shell utilization patterns in three species of intertidal hermit crabs on a rocky shore on the Pacific coast of Japan. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 172: 1-25.
Asakura, A. (2009) Evolution of mating system in decapod crustaceans. In: Joel W. Martin, Keith A. Crandall, and Darryl L. Felder (eds.), Decapod Crustacean Phylogenetics, pp.121-182, Taylor & Francis, New York, U.S.A.
Imazu, A., and A. Asakura (2006) Descriptions of agonistic, aggressive and sexual behaviors of five species of hermit crabs from Japan (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae and Diogenidae) . Crustacean Research, Special Number, 6: 95-107.
Sonoda, K, A. Asakura, M. Minoura, R. W. Elwood and Y.-P. Gunji (2012) Hermit crabs perceive the extent of their virtual bodies. Biology Letters doi:10.1098/rsbl.2012.0085.
朝倉彰 (1998a) 十脚甲殻類の社会性(2)集団でみつかる共生性の種の個体間関係. 生物科学, 50: 37-43.
朝倉彰 (1998b) 十脚甲殻類の社会性(1)ペアでみつかる種のオスーメス関係. 生物科学, 49: 228-242.
朝倉彰 (1994) ヤドカリ類の闘争行動に関する近年の研究の発展. II. 貝殻闘争,儀式化の進化. 生物科学, 46: 102-112.
朝倉彰 (1993) ヤドカリ類の闘争行動に関する近年の研究の発展. I. 概説,攻撃行動. 生物科学, 45: 143-160.
朝倉彰 (1990) 十脚甲殻類の配偶様式とその進化―特に交尾前ガードをめぐる最近の研究の動向とその批判. 生物科学, 42: 192-200.
Asakura, A., Y. Kondo, and S. Nishihama. (1991) Distribution patterns of animals on the rocky shores of Chichijima in the Ogasawara Islands. Natural History Research, 3: 23-40.
Asakura, A., Y. Kondo, W. Sato-Okoshi, and M. Miyata (1990) Distribution patterns of rocky shore animals of Hahajima Island, the Ogasawara Islands. Natural History Research, 1: 65-79.
系統分類・生物相成立に関する国際共同プロジェクト:地球生命の源である暖温帯〜熱帯海域を中心に研究を行った。日本・米国・北マリアナ連邦の共同研究チームを組織し、関東、伊豆―小笠原―マリアナに至る南北3000 kmの島列に生息する動植物の種多様性、緯度的変異、生物相成立に関する研究を行い、1992年世界初の北マリアナ無人島群総合学術調査を行った。採集生物は国内外の100名以上の研究者によって研究され多数の新種記載を含む新知見が、60本あまりの論文として出版されている。
Asakura, A., and H. Tachikawa (2000) A new hermit crab of the genus Calcinus from the northern Mariana Islands with additional information on C. revi Poupin and McLaughlin (Crustacea: Decapoda: Diogenidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 20, Special Number, 2: 266-280.
Asakura, A., and T. Furuki (Editors) (1994). Biological Expedition to the Northern Mariana islands, Micronesia. Natural History Research, Special Issue, 1. 344 pp.
朝倉彰 (代表編著者および翻訳者)(1995) 北マリアナ諸島探検記. 364 pp. 文一総合出版,東京.
インド―西太平洋域の甲殻類の分類学的研究:世界の大型自然史博物館が管理する大規模Expedition標本、例えばAlbatross号世界周遊航海、Challenger号世界周遊航海、また近年の航海調査、例えばCampagnes MUSORSTOM、Diversification in the Tropical Pacific, Pacific Biological Survey, PANGLAO等の調査研究で採集された標本を調べ、インド―西太平洋域を対象に甲殻類の系統分類の研究を行っている。
Asakura, A. (2010) A new species of hermit crab of the teevana group of Pylopaguropsis (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae) from the western Pacific, collected during the PANGLAO Expedition. Nauplius, 18: 35-43.
Asakura, A., and S. Godwin (2006) Diogenes patae, a new species of hermit crab (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura, Diogenidae) from American Samoa. Zoosystema, 28: 457-463.
Asakura, A., and S. Hirayama (2002) Dardanus jacquesi, a new species of hermit crab from Indo-West Pacific, with the redescription of a little known species, Dardanus dearmatus (Henderson, 1888) (Decapoda: Anomura: Diogenidae). Crustaceana, 75: 213-230.
Asakura, A., (2001) A revision of the hermit crabs of the genera Catapagurus A. Milne-Edwards and Hemipagurus Smith from the Indo-West Pacific (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae). Invertebrate Taxonomy, 15: 823-891.
朝倉彰 (2006) ヤドカリ類の分類学,最近の話題―オキヤドカリ科その3. 海洋と生物, 164: 309-316.
朝倉彰・渡部元・太田秀・橋本惇 (2006)ヤドカリ類の分類学,最近の話題―オキヤドカリ科その2. 海洋と生物, 163: 211-226.
朝倉彰・渡部元・太田秀・橋本惇 (2005)ヤドカリ類の分類学,最近の話題―ホンヤドカリ科その5. 海洋と生物, 159: 394-399.
朝倉彰・太田秀・渡部元 (2004) ヤドカリ類の分類学,最近の話題―オキヤドカリ科. 海洋と生物, 155: 583-588.
Asakura, A. (2006) Shallow water hermit crabs of the families Pylochelidae, Diogenidae and Paguridae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura) from the Sea of Japan, with a description of a new species of Diogenes. Bulletin of Toyama Science Museum, 29: 23-103.
Asakura, A. (2004) Pseudopaguristes shidarai, a new species of hermit crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Diogenidae) from Japan, the fourth species of the genus. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 117: 153-168.
Asakura, A., and P. A. McLaughlin (2003) A new species of Pseudopaguristes McLaughlin, 2002 (Crustacea: Decapoda : Diogenidae) from Japan. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 116: 453-463.
Asakura, A. (2000) A review of Japanese species of Pylopaguropsis Alcock, 1905 (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae). Crustacean Research, 29: 70-108.
Asakura, A. (1999) Icelopagurus tuberculosus, a distinct new hermit crabs species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguridae) from Japan. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 112: 381-395.
Asakura, A., and S. Suzuki (1987) Zoogeographical aspects of rocky intertidal molluscan fauna of the Pacific coasts of Japan. Marine Biology, 95: 75-81
Asakura, A., and S. Nishihama (1987a) Studies on the biology and ecology of the intertidal animals of Chichijima Island in the Ogasawara Islands--III. Description, the form and habitat of the trochid snail, Monodonta perplexa boninensis n. subsp. in comparison with those in Monodonta perplexa perplexa (Pilsbry). Venus, Japanese Journal of Malacology, 46: 194-201.
Asakura, A., and S. Nishihama (1987b) Studies on the biology and ecology of the intertidal animals of Chichijima Island in the Ogasawara Islands--II. Description, distribution, size structure in the population and allometric growth of the limpet, Notoacmea schrenckii boninensis n. subsp. Venus, Japanese Journal of Malacology, 46: 182-193
分子系統地理学:平成19年より首都大学東京集団進化遺伝学研究室との共同研究で、温帯域潮間帯甲殻類の種分化プロセスをmtDNA・核DNAをマーカーとして、冷帯域・熱帯域から温帯域への侵入、Amphi-Pacific分布種、Amphi-polar分布種、sibling speciesの分子系統地理研究をスタートさせた。今後それらの生態的、行動的違いをも調べ、総合的な種分化機構の解明を目指す。
Asakura, A., K. Suzuki, M. Takeshita, M. Nakajima, R. D. Segawa, T. Aotsuka (2009). Population genetic structure of a common Japanese intertidal hermit crab Pagurus filholi (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae) throughout the range, inferred from cytochrome oxidase subunit I sequences. Proceedings of The Crustacean Society Summer Meeting in Tokyo, Japan
朝倉彰 (2011) (分担執筆)「世界の淡水産コエビ下目の地理分布」「代表的な属の生物地理と系統関係」「日本産淡水エビの生物地理」 In 小川のエビ・カニの自然史.川井唯史(編).生物研究社,東京.
朝倉彰 (2003) (分担執筆) 第7章 生物地理, pp. 303-367. In 日本ベントス学会編「海洋ベントスの生態学」 東海大学出版会,東京.
朝倉彰 (1990) 日本の潮間帯ヤドカリ類の生物地理. 海洋と生物, 12: 483-487.
朝倉彰 (1985) 海洋生物個体群の生物地理学的考察. 個体群生態学会報, 40: 67-83.
3. 生物多様性の危機とその保全
朝倉彰 (1992) 東京湾の帰化動物−都市生態系における侵入の過程と定着成功の要因に関する考察. 千葉県立中央博物館研究報告, 2: 1-14
朝倉彰 (2011) (分担執筆)「世界の淡水産コエビ下目の地理分布」「代表的な属の生物地理と系統関係」「日本産淡水エビの生物地理」 In 小川のエビ・カニの自然史.川井唯史(編).生物研究社,東京.
朝倉彰・森上需 (2007) 千葉県河口域のカニ類. 海洋と生物 171: 83-93.
朝倉彰 (2011) (分担執筆) 十脚甲殻類. In 千葉県の保護上重要な野生生物--レッドデータブック動物編2011改訂版, pp. 381-396. 千葉県環境財団
朝倉彰 (2002)(分担執筆) 陸と淡水の動物:甲殻類:エビ目. In 千葉県の自然誌 千葉県の動物 I pp. 277-286. 千葉県.
朝倉彰 (2000) (分担執筆) 十脚甲殻類. In 千葉県の保護上重要な野生生物--レッドデータブック動物編, pp. 334-342. 千葉県.