The Seto Marine Biological Laboratory (SMBL) welcomes graduate students, undergraduates, postdoctoral fellows, Hakubi Assistant or Associate Professors, and researchers from all countries to study and conduct research at our laboratory.

We extend a warm invitation to those interested in joining the undergraduate or graduate program in Marine Biology Course, Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University. We seek and expect motivated, hardworking students, postdoctoral fellows, as well as professional researchers who will apply themselves diligently to their studies and exhibit a passion for their research endeavors.

We encourage you to explore this website, as well as our Marine Lab website, to learn about our current research interests and projects. Should you be interested in becoming an undergraduate BS, graduate MS, or PhD student, or research fellow, please do not hesitate to contact us from the Marine Lab website.

For students from universities other than Kyoto University, we highly recommend attending our Guidance Meeting for the Graduate Course, Department of Zoology, Kyoto University, held in April.

We are pleased to accept JSPS postdoctoral fellows, both domestic and international, to conduct research at the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory (SMBL). 

We also welcome applications for the "Hakubi" assistant professor or "Hakubi" associate professor positions, which are available each spring. 

We appreciate your interest in the SMBL and the effort it takes to visit our laboratory.



 1. 大学院修士課程に入学を希望される方は、京都大学大学院理学研究科生物科学専攻の入学試験(8月にあります)を受けてください。京都大学以外の大学の方が4月に入試説明会がありますので、それにぜひ参加してください。


 3.  京都大学の4回生の卒業論文研究(生物科学課題研究)は3名まで、および他大学の4回生の卒業論文研究(文科省教育拠点の共同研究員として2名まで)を受け入れます。


   5. 海外の博士号取得直後の方で、海洋生物学の研究でポスドクをされたい方を、受け入れます。グラントは日本学術振興会の「外国人特別研究員」枠です。
